How Trapped Emotions Impact The Physical And Mental Body


In this week's episode of the Wellness Matters podcast, I sat down with Sydney Arkfeld. Sydney works with clients on subconscious healing and releasing trapped emotions. During our chat she shared her personal journey of dealing with health issues and mold toxicity, which led her to discover the power of releasing trapped emotions. She explains how these trapped emotions can affect the body and how she uses muscle testing and applied kinesiology to tap into the nervous system and release these emotions. Sydney also discusses the immediate calmness and relief that clients experience after a session and the physical changes they have observed. Despite initial resistance, Sydney has found passion in helping others through this work. 

In this conversation, Sydney discusses the concept of trapped emotions and how they can affect our physical and emotional well-being. She explains that emotions can become trapped in our subconscious and body, leading to various symptoms and conditions. Sydney shares personal experiences and examples of how trapped emotions can be released and the positive impact it can have on individuals. She emphasizes the importance of processing emotions and allowing children to express their emotions fully. 


Trapped emotions can have a significant impact on physical and mental health.

Traditional therapy may not address the underlying emotional causes of symptoms.

Releasing trapped emotions can lead to immediate calmness and relief.

The work of releasing trapped emotions can be a fulfilling and transformative career path. Emotions can become trapped in our subconscious and body, leading to various symptoms and conditions.

Processing emotions is essential for releasing trapped emotions and promoting overall well-being.

Allowing children to express their emotions fully can help prevent the trapping of emotions and trauma.

Hair can hold memories and emotions, serving as an extension of our nervous system.

How to find Sydney:

IG @souleyhealth

Tiktok: @souleyhealth + @souleysubconscious 

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My book: ​The Missing Piece​


From Near-Death Experience To Profound Awakening


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