From Near-Death Experience To Profound Awakening


This week on the Wellness Matters podcast Jennifer Hanna shares her near-death experience and the impact it had on her life. She recounts her journey from being hospitalized due to food poisoning to multiple surgeries and complications. Jennifer describes her spiritual awakening and the lessons she learned from her near-death experience, which led her to step into her gifts and learn mindfulness. She discusses her journey of becoming a healer and the importance of listening to inner voices. Jenifer also explains the healing properties of crystals and the ethical sourcing of stones. She emphasizes the power of intention and the limitless potential within each individual.


Near-death experiences can provide profound insights, the discovery of hidden gifts, and spiritual awakenings.

The support and care of loved ones during a near-death experience can be crucial for recovery.

Medical professionals should prioritize patient care and empathy, especially in critical situations.

Addiction can be a challenge to overcome, but with determination and support, recovery is possible.

Mindfulness and self-care are essential in navigating the post-awakening journey.

Empathy and connection with spirit guides can enhance intuitive abilities.

Finding a supportive community and reuniting with like-minded individuals is crucial for personal growth.

Crystals have healing properties and can be used as tools for self-healing and transformation.

How to find Jennifer:

FB: Janii Hanna

Website: ​​

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My book: ​The Missing Piece​


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