June's Daily Intentions

Hi Wellness Enthusiasts!

As I was just writing the words 'wellness enthusiasts' I felt called to say you don't have to be a fitness guru or nutritionist to be interested in your wellbeing or learning new ideas to create peace in your life. Wellness, to me, encompasses a person's whole being, mind, body, and spirit. I have always been interested in ways to create peace and joy in my life one new idea at a time and since you are reading this email that means you too want to put your health and wellness first.

With all this said, this is the perfect introduction to this week's blog. I have created a full month of 'intentional ideas' for each day in the month of June. Print it off (you'll most likely have to download the image of the calendar in order to print it off) and post it somewhere you will see it each morning, like on the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator door, and make it a goal to complete each and every task throughout the month. Here is the really cool part, using the honor system, if you complete every single day of the calendar I will be doing a giveaway at the end. That's right if you finish the entire calendar all you have to do is let me know on social media or by email and I will send you a fun surprise in the mail!

Here's how to reach me:

Instagram: @wellness_mattersblog

Facebook: Wellness Matters

Email: wellnessmatters23@gmail.com

Each day I will post a comment or pose a question regarding that particular day's intention. If you have any questions you can post them or email me separately and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Enjoy the month❤️


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