How To Create An Altar That Will Inspire You

What is scared space? That’s what I had to ask myself when I was setting up my altar. It seems more and more people are understanding the value of setting aside time to be centered in order to radiate from the INSIDE out! The benefits of centering yourself with sacred practices is actually what sets the tone for the rest of the day. That’s why visiting your altar first thing in the morning is the most beneficial because you have the rest of the day to reap the benefits.


 I knew I wanted to have a space just for me where I could sink into my inner knowing. You would be surprised by how quickly you can get into the sacred zone. You too can have a small space just for you. An altar is just a flat surface that can be in any room in your home. I’m not a morning person so I knew I had to be practical with where I put my altar so I set it up on the nightstand right next to my bed. I want to be able to wake up, turn on my sacred playlist of music, take a few deep breaths, and decide what practice I’d like to partake in. Some ideas to create a morning practice with your altar can be:


Sitting in silence- Saying the word meditation can be triggering for some people so take the pressure off of having to meditate and just sit in silence. Lighting candles can be helpful even if it’s just to stare at the flame. Try forgetting about all the things you need to do throughout the day, take some very healing deep breaths, and just BE.


Automatic writing- Simply grab a notepad or journal and write at the top “What does my soul want me to know?” I know it sounds silly but even if you write “I don’t know what to say” over and over eventually a new thought will come to you. It’s such an amazing way to tap into your intuition. If writing isn’t your thing, grab your phone and record an automatic conversation. Do not poo poo these practices. Your soul is craving this time, I promise you.


Dry brushing/fascia comb- I have both a dry brush and wooden body brush that I use. You can simply use one or both on your whole body to fully wake yourself up to a new day. You can then anoint your body with your favorite essential oils and thank all the parts of your body.


Pull cards- I love to start my morning by pulling a card of the day. I set an intention of what will help me on my journey that day, pull a card, and leave it someplace where I can look at throughout the day. Of course you can always do full spreads and really get into tarot or oracle cards.


 Do stretches- Have your music going and stretch your whole body. When we sleep, we become dehydrated and typically don’t move a lot. Your body will be craving some deep stretches.


Read- Read a few pages of some sacred books to really set the tone for your day. The whole point is to let your brain-body connection sink up to help carry you through any stress in your day.


If you are feeling the pull to set up an altar, find things that bring out your wisdom. Your altar should be something that pulls you right in and makes you want to be fully present with all aspects of your energy. Think back to when you were a child and setting up your Barbie house just right. You didn’t care how long it took you to decorate each room, you were in the zone. That’s the kind of energy you should feel when sitting down by your altar. All the beautiful things that speak to your heart are sitting there ready for your attention.

You might want to put down a scarf or cloth with beautiful colors and patterns on it, or maybe even a piece of lace. You can then place anything on it such as flowers, candles, crystals, cards, or even the elements of the earth. For example, I like to clear my area of any negative energy using salt water or smudging sage. But the salt water is the element of water. The sage or flowers is earth. Lighting the candles is fire and obviously air is the air you breathe. Your alter can be as simple as one candle or filled with tons of things that light you up. Here are some suggestions with links to get you started:


Scarf or cloth to lay down

Option one

Option two


Option one

Option two


Option one

 Animal image

Option one

Option two


Option one

 Oracle deck

Option one

Option two

 Goddess decor

Option one

Option two

 Sacred books

Option one

Option two

Remember, there is no single right way to create a scared space or how to find your bliss with your practices. You literally can’t fail. Take the pressure off and just find joy and fun in it. We have enough seriousness and stress in our day. This time is just for you to find your home again. Try for at least ten days straight and check in with yourself. Do you feel you are enjoying this sacred time? I bet I know the answer😉.


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